Modern slavery is defined as the recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of children, women or men through the use of force, coercion, abuse of vulnerability, deception or other means for the purpose of exploitation. It is a crime under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The latest Global Slavery Index (2018) found that over 40 million people globally were estimated to be victims of modern slavery.

MIDAS Travel is committed to ensuring its business is conducted with due care and diligence in accordance to its obligations under Modern Slavery legislation in the territories in which it operates.

In line with legislation, we publish our annual statement of slavery and human trafficking detailing how it can affect our business and the steps we are taking to fight against it.

Our company structure & vision

MIDAS Travel was established in 1998 specialising in the provision of travel management services for the finance, professional services and consultancy sectors.

MIDAS travel operates under the trading entity, MIDAS Travel Management Limited.

Our vision is ‘taking care of the journey’.

Our values are founded around the way we work with each other, our suppliers and how we deliver our service to clients.

They include; Move forwards, Inspire others, Drive change, Achieve trust, Succeed together.

Our employees

The unique MIDAS Travel culture underpins our corporate policy and ensures we conduct business as a responsible employer.

We commit to providing a safe and fulfilling environment where staff are encouraged to grow and enjoy their work. Our staff remain at the heart of our business, so their welfare is prioritised and linked to our company culture and values.

MIDAS Travel does not tolerate discrimination, abuse or harassment of any kind and we expect the same of our suppliers. All staff must adhere to the codes of conduct as outlined in our company policies.

The hiring process is subject to a robust recruitment and selection process. We obtain documented proof of an individual’s right to work in the UK.

And, in the event of any concerns raised, we provide a protected disclosure facility for confidentiality as well as operating an open-door communication policy.

MIDAS Travel pays at least the minimum wage rate applicable under UK laws.

Our supply chain

We work only with reputable suppliers and strive to ensure our supply chain is free from slave labour. New suppliers are fully researched and we ensure they are adequately licensed to carry out the provided service.

Agreed legal contracts and purchase order approvals ensure spend commitments are set and verified, and we do not pay suppliers in cash.

New suppliers must comply with our strict due diligence process, incorporating Modern Slavery requirements. Ongoing verifications are scheduled to ensure full operational compliance with International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions in the countries in which they operate.

Wherever possible, we visit our suppliers in person to verify the safeguards they, and their subsequent supply chains, have in place to ensure they are conducting business within the obligations of the modern slavery legislation.

Our activities to date & future plans

Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy requires staff adherence and that they promptly raise any concerns or suspicions of malpractice if they suspect a breach.

The policy is shared with staff at time of onboarding, accessed on the company intranet and shared with third parties on request.

Any failure by our staff to comply with the policy will result in an investigation and potential disciplinary action.

Breaches of the policy would result in our termination of the relationship with individuals and organisations.

We keep our documentation up to date and ensure staff are made aware of the definitions of slavery and human trafficking, and how to act should they suspect a situation.

Annual training and regular supplier audits ensure our team and processes are compliant and up to date.

As a business, we maintain close relationship with our travel industry suppliers who provide air, ground, hotels and ancillary services to our clients.

Due diligence with our supplier practices, enables our clients to make the correct travel choices.

MIDAS Travel is currently reviewing a number of its policies, including Corporate Social Responsibility, staff training and internal operational processes. We will provide an update in forthcoming Modern Slavery statements.

As a responsible employer, MIDAS Travel maintains a commitment to conducting business ethically and operates a zero-tolerance to any actions in breach of its Modern Slavery policy.

This statement has detailed our actions taken throughout the financial year ending in 2021, in line with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Modern Slavery statement is reviewed and updated annually

MIDAS Travel’s financial year runs from 1st April – 31st March. We publish our Modern Slavery statement within the required 6 months of the financial year end.

In accordance with Modern Slavery legislation this statement has detailed the actions taken during the financial year ending 2024.

Approved by the MIDAS Travel Board on 7th January 2025.

* UK – Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA 2015); Australia – Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act)

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